DISC Flow Assessment

Understanding how people within teams behave is fundamental to overall success

DISC Flow combines the robust DISC behavioural model with emotional intelligence insights, providing a comprehensive analysis of individual and team behaviours. DISC categorises behaviour into four primary styles. By understanding these styles and how they interact, you can create a more cohesive and efficient work environment.

Why businesses are turning to DISC Flow Reports

Enhanced Communication: Miscommunication is one of the most common challenges in any workplace. 75% of companies have seen improved communications and 30% reduction in mis-communications as a result of DISC identifying individuals preferred communication style.

Improved Team Dynamics: Every team comprises individuals with unique strengths and weaknesses. DISC Flow reports highlight these attributes, enabling managers to allocate tasks that play to each team member's strengths, which has seen increases in productivity of up to 20% (IHRIM).

Conflict Resolution: Conflicts are inevitable in any group setting, but they don’t have to be detrimental. DISC Flow provides insights into potential friction points and equips teams with strategies to resolve conflicts amicably. Research by Society of Human Resource Management (SHRM) found a 40% reduction in workplace conflicts as a result of DISC.

Personal and Professional Growth: DISC Flow is not just about team improvement; it’s also a powerful tool for individual development. By gaining insights into their own behavioural patterns, employees can work on their limitations and leverage their strengths, fostering a culture of continuous personal and professional growth.

What assessments are available?

There are 3 individual assessment reports available:

  1. Core: Includes both DISC and Emotional Intelligence feedback and breakdown (includes strengths and possible limitations and where to target improvements).

  2. Leader: Includes the above, but also includes a focus on your leadership approach and will make you more aware of your strong points, as well as highlighting behaviours that you may need to introduce or adapt to unlock the potential of your people.

  3. Portrait: This is a DISC Report only.

How can a business use them?

We run both team and 1-2-1 report assessment reviews to go through, with your team, what the reports contain, which includes:

  • What the core principles of the DISC model are

  • What the individuals’ DISC profile means for them

  • Levels of self awareness and awareness of others

  • Self Validation of the report

  • Creating an action plan to keep the individual accountable for their own recognised improvement areas.

Contact Us

Any questions on what we offer on DISC, please get in touch via the email address below, or simply fill in the form.
