Frequently Asked Questions - Leadership Training

Who is the workshop aimed at?

The workshop is suitable for all those who have to demonstrate competent leadership in their professional capacity and we train leaders at all levels of the organisation, from brand new managers, all the way up to C-Suite level.

How many people can you facilitate for on the workshop?

We ask for a minimum of 6 people and a maximum of 15. As the workshop is very interactive and we split the group up for different practicals, we want to ensure it’s facilitated correctly and everyone has plenty of opportunity to really be involved in the day. If you have requests on the numbers mentioned we will of course work with you on this as much as we can.

Can the workshop be run virtually?

We do offer the course virtually, however we do suggest it’s run onsite (at your offices) because we want it to be as interactive as possible and we know that in person allows for more discussion and ease of facilitation.

Is the workshop a whole day?

Normally, yes.

However, our workshops are all specifically tailored to our clients needs. So if there are only specific areas you would like covered, i.e. the GROW Model, active listening etc. then we can cover this at an agreed cost.

What is the schedule for the day?

If you’re interested in finding out, there is a brief summary under the leadership coach section, or we can provide a breakdown of the day for you, you can fill in the form below and request a copy on the schedule.

Contact Us

Any questions on what I offer, please get in touch via the email address below, or simply fill in the form.